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rental management software

How to Choose the Best Rental Management Software for Your Investment Property

Managing your rental property is hard enough as it is, so choose the right software program to assist you along the way. Here are some tips to help you make this decision.

1. Focus on the features you are really looking for

One of the biggest mistakes made by rental property owners is purchasing software that is too complicated for their needs (which wastes time and money). Let your rental management software do what it does best – manage your investment property tax records. Rent Manager is a very simple computer recordkeeping system that keeps great records for your investment property. It records all the essentials like receipts, payments, Agents Summary and more. It even calculates depreciation on furniture and fittings and tracks your loans. For other things like small business accounting and payroll, there are other products around like Cashflow Manager, which are very easy to implement.

2. Make sure you can run a full demo or trial version

Try before you buy! Find something that has a trial like Rent Manager, so you can download a full trial of the program and see exactly how it works. You can download a free 30 day trial here.

3. Look for a program that is easy to install, use and has customer support

Rent Manager comes with 12 months free support so you can ask the technical support team as many questions as you like while you are getting started with the program.

4. Find the best value for money

Any software you buy should be considered an investment. No software is cheap but running without software can be expensive, especially if you are audited by the tax office.

5. Do some homework

Listen to what professionals in the industry have to say about the product. Find customers who are similar to you or have similar needs to you, and hear what they have to say. People are pretty open to sharing their experiences these days and YouTube is full of product testimonials you can look up easily.


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Comments (15)

  • Lisa McElligott Reply

    Hi, I have used Rent Manager for 7 years. This time when I logged in I got a message saying there is a licensing issue and can’t open the programme, is there anything I can do to get into Rent Manager?

    06/07/2021 at 10:10PM
    • Madi Reply

      Hi Lisa, unfortunately we haven’t support Rent Manager for many years, it may not be compatible with Windows anymore.

      07/07/2021 at 7:46AM
  • Fiona Eden Reply

    I have used rent manager for many years. I am wondering if I can upgrade to a cloud based version?

    02/05/2021 at 8:41AM
    • Madi Reply

      Hi Fiona, we don’t have a cloud based Rent Manager software unfortunately.

      03/05/2021 at 7:54AM
  • Carol Joyce Reply

    Has this software been updated since 2015?

    Can I see how it works without signing up for a free trial?

    18/04/2021 at 3:40PM
    • Madi Reply

      Hi Carol, yes the program has been updated since 2015. However, the processes in how you enter your transactions are the same. If you would like to see how it works, please sign up for the 14-day free trial.

      19/04/2021 at 8:01AM
  • ann-maree ricardo Reply

    I have used rent manager for many years and have just upgraded our computer and have been looking for my disk that i used originally to no avail. I rang my accountant who advised to contact you guys as i bought it years ago and still need to use it to continue to document my rental properties.

    10/04/2021 at 7:23PM
  • Maggie Pettitt Reply

    Would like to download Rent Manager we have been with Cashflow since 2000 and now have a few rental properties and would love to be able to use Rent Manager our membership number is 30973.

    28/07/2018 at 8:47AM
    • Rebecca Bendikov Reply

      Hi Maggie,
      Thanks for the comment.
      Please contact us at and we will be able to help you out with that!
      Kind Regards,

      01/08/2018 at 3:49PM
  • Caroline Fara Reply

    So how can I go about getting a copy of Rent Manager???? Can a link be emailed to me. I’m a member and I now have a new Windows computer and need to download it as I used to have it on my iMac in the past.

    13/01/2018 at 5:52PM
    • Rebecca Bendikov Reply

      Hi Caroline,
      Yes we are able to email you a link for Rent Manager if you are an existing customer. Could you please email or call 1300 88 78 68 and our Customer Service team can assist you with this.
      Kind regards,

      15/01/2018 at 7:55AM
  • Michael Tuite Reply

    What has happened to your Rent Manager product? It no longer appears on your website. Is it no longer sold or supported?

    06/01/2018 at 5:10PM
    • Rebecca Bendikov Reply

      Hi Michael,
      We are currently in the process of consolidating our product offerings and Rent Manager is one of the products that will no longer be available for download.
      Kind Regards,

      08/01/2018 at 9:28AM
  • george greenberg Reply

    Do you have a MAC compatible version?

    28/08/2017 at 2:17PM

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