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Internet explorer

How does end of support for Internet Explorer affect Cashflow Manager?

As of January 12, 2016 Microsoft will no longer provide support for versions 8, 9 and 10 of Internet Explorer.

While support for Internet Explorer 11, the latest version, remains in place for now, with the rollout of Microsoft Edge as Windows 10’s default browser, IE’s days seem numbered. Despite its detractors, Internet Explorer is still one of the most popular browsers in use today, with millions of people around the world using it every day. So if you are one of the millions who like Internet Explorer, you’re not alone.

What does the end of support mean for Internet Explorer?

Versions 8, 9 and 10 of Internet Explorer will still be around and will continue to work pretty much the same way they do today. What the end of support does mean is that these versions will no longer receive security updates or bug fixes. The end result is that these older, unsupported versions will pose greater risks of attacks from hackers or data thieves (or other unscrupulous sources) over time, and will eventually fail. IE 11 is one beacon of hope for Internet Explorer fans, but only users with Windows 7 or later will be able to install it. Windows XP users will need to upgrade to Windows 10 to be able to update their internet browser.

What do these changes mean for Cashflow Manager users?

Cashflow Manager desktop software isn’t dependant on browsers, so users shouldn’t experience any changes as a result of support ending for older versions of Internet Explorer. But users still need to be aware that continuing to use older versions of Internet Explorer could put their entire computer system – including their confidential business data – at risk. We would highly recommend that these users update to the latest browsers and operating systems. Besides upgrading to Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge (as well as the Windows 10 operating system), other supported browsers include Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari (for Mac users).

However, Cashflow Manager Cloud does operate within browsers, and users need to be aware of the end to official support for IE 8, 9 and 10. Our cloud accounting software has been designed to work at its very best with Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari. It also works with Internet Explorer but for the sake of your security we do not recommend running Cashflow Manager Cloud on any browser that is no longer supported by its manufacturer.

Upgrading is the safest solution

The best step you can take to protect your business and financial information is to always keep your technology (your hardware, software, browsers and apps) as up to date as you can. Replacing your computer hardware every 3-5 years is best practice, as is promptly installing software updates for all your programs whenever they become available. After all, many of these updates are specifically designed to improve security and close weaknesses. You should even budget for updates as part of the normal costs of running a small business. Your accountant will be able to help you amortise costs, which will help with future upgrades.

Cashflow Manager customers with a Cloud or CARE subscription will always have access to the latest versions of our software as soon as they are released.

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    26/07/2019 at 4:41AM

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