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BAS Time Frequently Asked Questions

The deadline for submitting Business Activity Statements (BAS) is creeping up. Here are the answers to a few questions that some of you have been asking our technical support team over the last couple of weeks regarding your BAS.

Why is my BAS report not displaying properly?

A number of queries have come through to our support team regarding the fact that items are not displaying on your BAS statement. Most often it is because you have accidentally entered data into the wrong column. For example, you have entered something into a ‘non-GST’ column, which doesn’t show up on the BAS report at all instead of entering it into the ‘Other GST-Free’ column.

Our simple accounting software has a uniquely simple column system to help you calculate your GST. You simply allocate a GST ‘Tax Type’ that matches the boxes on the Business Activity Statement to your columns. When entering ‘Money In’ you record the gross amount (including GST) into the appropriate column and the GST will be automatically calculated from the GST ‘Tax Type’ allocated to the column.

If you have made an error and wish to change a column’s GST tax type:

1.  Click on the Customise Columns icon and select the section (Money In or Money Out) that the column is in.

2.  Click on the Tax Type for the column you wish to change. A drop down menu will appear. Click on the arrow and select the type you require.

3.  Click on [Save] when you have finished and then [Cancel] if you wish to exit.

Why are the W1 and W2 categories not printing on my BAS report?

These categories refer to the ‘Wages Manager’ section, which you will have access to if you are on our accounting and payroll software, Cashflow Manager GOLD. If you do not have Cashflow Manager GOLD these categories will not show on the BAS report.

My Activity Statement does not open in the correct format! What’s going on?

Some clients on Windows 10 are having issues when clicking on the ‘Lodge BAS Online’ button on the BAS report screen. You may discover that the Activity Statement page does not open in the correct format. This can be because your xml. files are not set to default to the correct program. Go to [Start] on your computer then choose ‘Settings’, ‘System’, ‘Default Apps’, ‘Choose default apps by file type’. You need to choose ‘.xml’ from the list and ensure that the default program or app is Internet Explorer.

Download a free BAS guide for small businesses

Our quick guide to BAS includes much-needed information on:

  • What exactly is a Business Activity Statement (BAS)?
  • How to know if you need to lodge a BAS
  • Understanding due dates
  • Tips to make BAS lodgement easier
  • Help submitting a BAS online

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Comments (6)

  • Jo Brunckhorst Reply

    my cash flow manager won’t go into Jan 2021 for me. It tells me that it is out of the perimeters!

    29/01/2021 at 1:35PM
    • Madi Reply

      Hi Jo, please download the latest update from the downloads section of the website. Then you will be able to change to 2021.

      01/02/2021 at 7:44AM
  • johnliza Reply

    Hi, I have just bought Cashflow 11 . GST is not calculating correctly. EG. 10 x 10 keeps coming up as total$ 100 not total $110 although I have put in the GST.
    Kind regards,

    05/02/2018 at 2:10PM
    • Rebecca Bendikov Reply

      Hi Liza,
      This sounds like one for our CARE support team! Could you please call 1300 135 021 and they will be more than happy to have a chat to you about this!
      Kind Regards,

      09/02/2018 at 8:02AM
  • kate Reply

    Hi I have recorded all my information so far in money out in the wrong year. Is it possible to change the year or do I have to redo all my work?

    28/02/2017 at 7:28PM
    • Rebecca Bendikov Reply

      Hi Kate,
      If you accidentally record transactions in a wrong month or wrong account, you can move them to the correct location.
      1. To move a single transaction, right click on the grey box at the left side of the line you wish to move.
      2. To move multiple transactions, click in the grey selector box at the left side of the row for the first transaction. Then hold down the ‘Ctrl’ key on your keyboard as you select the other transactions you wish to include. (If all the transactions you wish to include are together you can also hold down your ‘Shift’ key on your keyboard and select the first and last transactions.) They will all be highlighted to show they have been selected.
      3. Then press the ‘Ctrl’ and ‘X’ keys together on your keyboard or right click on one of the grey selector boxes for a highlighted row and click on Move.
      4. Type in a name of the account, the month and the year where you wish to transfer the transactions.
      5. Click on [OK] to finish or [Cancel] to exit.

      Hope this helps!
      Kind Regards,

      01/03/2017 at 8:56AM

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