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6 small business tips for improving customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is crucial for every small business. It is what keeps people coming back and recommending you to their friends. Ultimately, this is what pays the bills and keeps your business going.

Once you have achieved attracting a new customer, it is important to ensure that you don’t lose them. This can happen without you even noticing and is something you have to constantly think about. Here are some ways you can improve customer satisfaction, show a bit of love to your existing customers and entice them back again and again.

Make Your Customer Feel Important

The best tactic is to make your customers feel particularly special, and not just one of a number of customers. For those who come to your business often, try remembering names, what they often purchase and things they might have said on previous visits. If possible, sending a personalised message on special occasions like Mother’s Day is a nice touch that will increase the goodwill they associate with your business. It will also put you in the forefront of their mind and make a big overall impression on your customers.

Stop Them Looking Elsewhere

Whilst it is important to attract new customer to your business, it is a common occurrence that businesses forget to give your current customer a reason to stick with you. For the large number of businesses, a majority of their income comes from a core group of customers. Therefore you should think about also offering current customers special promotions, as you can be sure that your competitors are constantly trying to entice them with their offers. If they don’t have a reason to stay, they probably won’t.

Promote all of Your Products and Services

A lot of the time, customers will use one of your products or services without knowing of your other offerings. Even for Cashflow Manager, many customers that use our business accounting software for money management or employee wages do not know that we also provide rental property management software. Be proactive and promote your lesser known products, maybe even sneak it into a blog post.

Wow Your Customers Regularly

Subconsciously, your customers are strongly influenced by their surroundings and stimulation. This obviously applies to bricks and mortar businesses, when people are influenced by the sights, smells and sounds of your store. They also alter their behaviour depending on the appearance of and customer service given by your staff. Every customer needs to be given the first class treatment and leave having had a great experience. Stimulation and appearance is also relevant to an online store. In that case, your website’s overall aesthetic, relevance and ease of use is incredibly important.

Don’t Let Them Forget About You

Although you are constantly thinking about your customers, they aren’t always thinking about your business. It is your responsibility to keep your business in the forefront of their minds.

A very simple way to keep communicating is to create a marketing campaign and set up a monthly email. Customer retention will increase with this program of regular communication. Therefore your customers hear from you at least monthly and it is a great way of sharing new things happening with your business, case studies and to promote lesser known products and services. Don’t forget to link your latest blog articles to entice your customers to your website.

Don’t Ignore Social Media

Track and maintain customer satisfaction with social media. The way your brand is perceived can be found by seeing who is talking about it and by finding key influencers. You are also able to engage on another level with your customers by answering their questions. As we become more used to instant gratification, our attention spans are becoming shorter. Therefore quick responses to customer queries are incredibly important for customer satisfaction.

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Comments (3)

  • Nikon Nik Reply

    Many many thanks for sharing with us 6 small business tips for improving customer satisfaction. here. I found some good information on your blog. Thank you very much. This article is a really help us, I will also tell my friend about this.

    09/07/2017 at 8:25PM
  • Rick Chandler Reply

    A customer is a king and every small or big business organizations are taking very good care of their customers. So that they can easily get traffic to their business through customer feedback, customers engagement, and many others. Every business man is looking for good customers and to satisfy them, they used to take beneficial steps such as; improve business products and services, provide good support, dealing with customer queries, and many others. Apart from these, we can also take some beneficial data from here regarding customer satisfaction in the business sector.

    09/06/2017 at 3:06PM
  • Tommys Reply

    Thanks for sharing these tips. I agree in everything that you said. I am an aspiring property management manager, this would really help me.

    23/03/2017 at 4:25PM

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